Symbolism of the Color Gray / Grey

Gray Dragon

Gray is traditionally associated with old age and by correlation, wisdom. [1] Gray is a combination of opposites, black and white, with more white or more black changing the shade and value of gray. Regardless of the shade, gray symbolizes balance or neutrality. [3]

In the East, gray symbolizes helpers and travel, and in Feng Shui gray represents the element metal and is of the passive Yin aspect. [2] Feng Shui emphasizes gray's indefinite and dull nature. [2] In the West, gray symbolizes boredom and plainness. [2]

In Greco-Roman mythology, gray is the color of Saturn, or Cronos, who was the lord of time, with wisdom among his major attributes. [1] On the Kabbalistic tree of life, gray symbolizes wisdom. [1]

In Western Europe, gray symbolizes mourning, lamentation, and death because of its correlation to ashes. [3] The Bible sports gray as a symbol of repentance, fasting, selflessness, and worship. [3] Holy practitioners in Europe chose gray as a color for garments to symbolize simplicity and repentance. [3]

Modern associations with gray include seniority, neutrality, tradition, and pollution. [3]

Grey Dragon with green undertones

Gray / Grey Dragons

Grey Dragon with blue undertones

Gray dragons possess great wisdom. An older dragon may be gray with age. Gray, as a symbol of travelers and helpers, makes the gray dragon likely to help a polite passerby.

Since a gray dragon combines black and white characteristics, attributes associated with those colors apply to gray dragons.


All of the dragon graphics on this page were created by Donna Quinn.


  1. O'Connell and Airey 115
  2. Visual Color Symbolism Chart by Culture
  3. Color Symbolism of Gray: A Tangent of Balance & Neutrality

For more information on footnotes and references, please see the bibliography.