Dragon Topics

Dragons and Religion


Religions have had a big impact upon dragons and dragons have had a big impact upon religion. Why is it that I have to mention this? Well, in order to understand people's view of dragons, people must understand the people's view of other things...their culture.


Chinese Religions
The most important thing to note about Chinese religions is that the Eastern religions are usually mixed. Buddhism/Shinto, Taoism, and Confucianism are often found mixed with folklore and such things.

The basic principles of Eastern religion can be found in the Yin Yang. Though many Western people claim that the Yin Yang is a "mix of good and evil" it is not looked upon this way by the Chinese. Yin is the passive, feminine part of the universe, and Yang is the active, masculine part of the universe. Each of them are intertwined, simply because one would not exist without the other...there would not be a "tall" if there wasn't a "short". Taoism is the "yin" religion, while Confucianism is the "yang" religion.

Now, taking into account that Confucianism stresses the five relationships, Buddhism stresses reincarnation without caste system, and Taoism stresses Wu Wei, the Way, let it be, it's no wonder that their dragons are as complex as their religious structures. Their dragons are seen as benevolent and "giving" but wrathful.

Confucianism is the major religion to look at. In the five relationships, Confucius discussed a "ruler to subject" relationship. The subject is to be loyal and the ruler is to be benevolent. This demonstrates the connections between dragons and humans.

Christianity and Judaism
The various sects of Christianity have created a similar impact on mythology as far as dragons go, and Judaism, connected to Christianity, also effected dragons this way. Some examples include Ireland's Ollipeist and Lithuania's Aitvaras. Aitvaras happens to be the best example, as the mythology held the most drastic switch. Prior to the presences of Christianity, the Lithuanians viewed the Aitvaras as a type of Guardian angel, but later, as Christianity touched the region, the Aitvaras became more and more evil.

The dragons and serpents in the Christian religions were associated with the devil, and thus they were evil. This is why, as Christianity spread, many of the dragons were viewed as evil, or, as in the case of Aitvaras, the dragons were set in a more evil light.

In the Bible, the difference between good and evil, unlike the Chinese religion, were plainly set. There was a right and a wrong way to live. Hence, the creatures within the Bible were seen as such as well. Moreover, as the story of Daniel and the dragon Bel, dragons were often seen as false gods, and thereby making them more evil.

Please be aware that I am not here to say that there is a right and wrong influence here, I am simply pointing out the effects of different religions on dragons. If you think that some of this information is erroneous, do not hesitate to contact me and point out the flaw, but please provide me with some solid facts, or a place where I can get some solid facts, to prove your point.

For more information on footnotes and references, please see the bibliography.


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© Kylie 'drago' McCormick
Last updated: 8 November 2010