Basic Information

Alternative names: Ayida-Wedo, [3] Aida Wedo [4]
Titles: Rainbow Serpent, Rainbow Snake
Disambiguation: Aido Hwedo
Type/Species: Great Serpent
Origin: Vodou/Voodoo Mythology, Haitian Mythology, [1] Caribbean Mythology [2]

About Ayida

Ayida was a Rada Loa in Haitian mythology. She was the rainbow goddess, [5] or rainbow serpent goddess, [4] formally referred to as Ayida-Wedo. [3] She was the great serpent in the mythology and folk beliefs of Haiti. [2]

She was the partner, wife, and counterpart of the cosmic Rainbow Serpent Damballah. [1,2] He was the serpent of the earth, Ayida was the rainbow, the snake in the sky. Damballah and Ayida were often depicted together as two twisting serpents on items like drums and furniture. [3]

Ayida, as the great serpent of the sky, gave rain to the earth, thereby restoring its beauty. [3]

She was identified with the Christian figure of the Virgin Mary. [3] As one of the many manifestations of the Rainbow Serpent, Ayida is often conflated with similar dragons, such as Aido Hwedo.

Physical Description

Ayida was a large rainbow-colored serpent [2] that wore a jeweled headdress. [6]

Quick Facts

  • Ayida was formally called Ayida-Wedo. [3]
  • She was the rainbow goddess [5] in the form of a serpent. [4]
  • She was the wife and counterpart of the cosmic serpent Damballah. [1,2]
  • She provided rain to the earth to rejuvenate it. [3]

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Term Reference

n. Loa are spirits or deities in Haitian Vodou, also called Lwa or L'wha.
n. Rada is a family or pantheon of spirits and deities of Vodou mythology.
Loa n. Loa are spirits or deities in Haitian Vodou, also called Lwa or L'wha.
Rada n. Rada is a family or pantheon of spirits and deities of Vodou mythology.


  1. Rose [Dragons] 9
  2. Rose [Dragons] 32
  3. Tann 100
  4. Turner 29
  5. Turner 85
  6. Turner 141

For more information on footnotes and references, please see the bibliography.